
Showing posts from December, 2019


Quality of Work: Throughout this semester, I think that the quality of my work has improved immensely. The composition of my pieces has been complicated and takes more time to put my pieces together to make sure it looks the best it can. I tend to use multiple tiny sections from multiple pictures to composite my total picture uniquely. I try to take my time when completing a project, but I make sure that I am completing/fulfilling everything that needs to be in my project. For my silhouette project, I used a sharing color, blue, to make sure my project would flow together, but also to symbolize the fact that my favorite color is blue. I added this theme of blue to give a more in depth meaning behind it about  myself. When the year started, I would take one picture of my first idea and use that for my projects, now I take around 20-50 pictures or more than one thing until I find the perfect object or angle. For the blue project, I had begun to use a picture of me diving in Hawaii, beca

Midterm exam




Gottfried Helnwein image cont. 2

The change in viewpoint didn't really effect my interpretation because I thought it was a billboard the whole time. What did change a little was that I thought the girl was sad and getting hurt but it no longer looks like that with the whole picture. You can definitely see that this is made up of smaller pieces. When you look closely you can see every detail in the little girls face and hair.You can see the cracking in her lips, the makeup in the creases of her eyes, her imperfect eyebrows, etc. This billboard seems to be in a industrial area where the audience is most likely women passing by. Women tend to have a sweet-spot for children and it will always catch their eyes. The mood of the image is kind of sad or calm. Her expression is more unphased and hopeless. I think the title may mean she is either the last billboard girl or the last girl getting hurt or some sort of campaign. Like a strike saying she is the last of whatever happened to her.

Gottfried Helnwein.

In this painting or billboard I believe that it is imitating a man cleaning or fixing the painting like a window washer but if you look close enough it looks like the 'cord' is actually a piece of the little girls hair. I think this is a documentary and artistic image. It looks as though her face is lathered in foundation to cover some sort of impurity on her skin. The closer I looked into the reflection in her eye, the more I saw what look like a humans arms. I may be completely off but it looks as though the girl is about to be hit or something which would explain wearing makeup, having a pretend washer guy 'wash away the impurities/clean it up". I do think this image is photoshopped because someone had to photoshop the little man in on her face.