
Showing posts from February, 2020

tell a story



Adjustment: I will take way more photos when doing my projects next semester. I hope to be able to think of amazing ideas and capture my ideas in my picture. I think a picture of more detail would be awesome. To take a super upclose picture to capture detail nobody really notices. Ex: a sidewalk and the grooves and rocks in the ground or the hairs on a peach. I think this semester I achieved this to an extent. I have taken way more pictures and spent way more time on my projects. In some ways I may have slacked off for a class period or two and didn't take as much time as I should've but I still get the project done and I personally think they look great. I would probably give myself a B like an 85%-80% on this. 

my past self

Dear past self, As you get older, things will get so much harder. You have to focus and work for the things you want as best as you can. When you decide you want to go into the creative photo class, be sure to take your time when taking you pictures and brainstorm for longer than one class period. Make sure you keep your mind open to other photo options and make sure you travel or bring your camera everywhere you go. Take pictures of EVERYTHING because you never know when a picture or theme or idea may be needed. Be sure to take multiple pictures of every object or scene you decide to take a picture of.Be sure to experiment and go bout of your comfort zone. Even when you have finished all you projects, be sure to continue to edit random pictures you have on your camera or phone to practice your technique and find your editing style. This was one of my best edits. It took me about 5 class periods to perfect it how I wanted. I had to add a variety of pictures on top of my original pi

forced perspective


the importance of art

  The importance behind this piece of artwork is to show you all of the things that art is. Art is different, its living, its beauty, its everything. Art is the way that people can express themselves just like the freedom of speech. Art says what words never could. Art is the expression of feelings and imagination. Schools should be teaching kids art because it teaches kids how to get their feelings out in ways that other people may not understand or be able to translate. Art is something that everyone should be able to do because it gives us a sense of imagination. Music also is the same thing and is the word version of art. People express their emotions in their music just like they do in their artwork. School should be about teaching students how to express themselves and how to turn their own emotions into a beautiful thing, not bottling it up and leaving it to eat them up on the inside.

What art 1

1- The mood of the images is more of a relaxed and subtle mood. In the first picture the girls face seems uninterested or unfazed. Her posture looks like she is tired or annoyed.The second picture she looks frustrated and her posture shows discomfort. 2- Oil paint 3-Color sometimes play as the emotion within the painting or sometimes tries to capture an inner meaning behind it. The red background gives an angry or hot vibe.  4- I think the artist was trying to show two different women with the same general idea of the picture giving off two totally different emotions. The theme of the pictures was definitely capturing the emotions using a red background. I think the artists successfully captured two different moods in a same general picture.