"Lost In A World Like Me" response

What is the general premise of the video?

TtThe general premise of this video is to show the world what our society is beginning to look like by showing how we are no longer affected by disturbing/horrific situations and we are all unhappy with our lives but try and fake that we are perfectly fine on social media to try and make others jealous.

Is the video effective in conveying its intended message?

   I think that this video is very effective in conveying the message because it showed different circumstances where we should have been affected by something but we weren't because the people were all too busy with their fake lives on social media.

Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?

  I believe that this video is trying to warn us about how far away from reality we are getting. I think that it is trying to show us what we look like from a different perspective so that we can try and fix it before it's too late. If we continue to be so involved in our phones we will become walking zombies that have lost all important meaning to life. The person who created the video is trying to convey how dumb our society is  beginning to look and how stupid we are all becoming.


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